Coolest Simon Chipmunk Baby Costume

My son was born with bilateral congenital cataracts, and had them removed at 6 and 7 weeks old. As a result he has to wear glasses. Naturally, I wanted to go with something that played off of that. I thought about Harry Potter, but just really didn’t feel it. As I thought of other cute characters with glasses Simon Chipmunk came to mind.

I knew exactly what I needed for this Homemade Simon Chipmunk Baby Costume because I used to watch them all the time. I went out and bought a child’s turtleneck (it was a girl turtleneck, so I sewed the frills over). I bought iron on, DIY decals, for the shirt’s “S.” For his hat, gloves, and feet, I bought a cheap teddy bear that somewhat matched his stuffed toy chipmunks and cut it apart. I had to stitch together a couple pieces to cover the top of his head with.

Overall, the entire outfit cost about $20-25. Not bad, considering he was guaranteed not to look like anyone else (unless Simon Chipmunk showed up)!

Homemade Simon Chipmunk Baby Costume

Homemade Simon Chipmunk Baby Costume

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