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Coolest Simpsons Couple Costume

My husband and I decided to go as Marge and Homer Simpson to a Halloween Party (which was 80’s themed). I had looked and looked to try to figure out what to do and I saw your sight and loved the idea. I had to give it a try. It was a great hit, our friends loved it. Here’s how I put it all together!!

Marge: I made the wig out of blue cardboard and blue kid boas. I purchased the Dollar Tree. I glued the cardboard together making a cylinder, cut slits in the top and glued them down to round it off for the top of Marge’s hair, cut the shape of my face out so the hair would be longer in back. Then glued and wrapped boas all the way to the top. I used a ball cap with the bill cut off to put my actual hair in and hold on Marge’s hair.

Dress was actually a skirt I purchased at Goodwill, shoes where black flats I painted red, beads I purchased at Wal-Mart in party supplies. Shirt was a long sleeve thermal we spray painted and tights (I cut the toes out of) and I sprayed painted yellow. We used yellow body paint for my face, neck & top of feet..

Homer: He shaved his head. I took black pipe cleaners and used eyelash glue to glue to the top of his head and the sides. Belly was a Santa Belly we had already. White shirt and pants came from Goodwill. The Duff Beer can was a coozie, I printed off the Duff logo and hot glued each side to carry his drink in. We used yellow body paint for head and face and I used brown makeup to fill in with his goatee to make the shadow of Homer’s face darker.

Our eyes I bought those funny face glasses from the Dollar Tree, popped out the lenses, I took Styrofoam balls cut in half, hollowed out, poked a hole in the middle to see. Black makeup to fill it to look like the center of your eye , hot glued the Styrofoam to rim of glasses. On Marge’s I put black pipe cleaners in top for eyelashes but you can’t really see them!..

Waaalaaaa.. There is our Homemade Simpsons Couple Costume! and we won 1st place at our party!

Homemade Simpsons Couple Costume

Homemade Simpsons Couple Costume

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