Coolest Skeletor from He Man Costume

I decided one day to make a Skeletor from He Man costume. He is one of the coolest villains to rule the television. I only make my costumes from scratch.

So I started with a picture of him, and went to work. I bought fabric, foam, and various household/store items and began working. I spent 2 months hand sewing, gluing, cutting, taping, painting, and testing bits of this costume. This was completely done from scratch, only buying the blue full body spandex under suit.

I just used a creative mind, and by looking at pictures, figure out the best way to copy it. I am very precise, and go all the way down to the finger nails! Long Live Skeletor!

I won first prize at a Costume Contest at a nightclub, as well as 3rd prize the second night at a huge outdoor party!

11 thoughts on “Coolest Skeletor from He Man Costume”

  1. my husband wants to be this. would you please let me know where you got all your supplies and how you put it together. of it you would be willing to sell or make another one.


  2. Please tell us how you made this costume! We grew up in the 80s and would love to do a She-Ra/He Man theme for Halloween. How did you make it and what materials do we need to buy? Would you consider making another and selling it? Thanks so much!

  3. So I started with a picture of him, and went to work. I bought fabric, foam, and various household/store items and began working. I spent 2 months hand sewing, gluing, cutting, taping, painting, and testing bits of this costume. This was completely done from scratch, I bought the blue full body spandex under suit. I bought Pink Slippers and glued purple fabric over them, adding a V shaped foam block at the top to create the point. the belt and shoulder straps were cardboard covered in fabric. The shoulder top was a square of foam cut out and sewed with purple fabric over the top. It was all attached to me with Bobby Pins. I made a hood from scratch fabric, sewed it and attached it to the foam shoulder pad. I bought a skeleton face, painted it yellow and painted on all the black face marks (teeth, veins, eyes). I cutout the eyes and replaced them with see through black mesh. I attached the mask to the hood permanently, and added black mesh around the mask to make it look like my face was floating (which is how the real Skeletor looks).

    The Staff was creative! A broom stick handle, with a leg of a chair at the top, screwed together. Then I bought a “Fantasy Knife” on eBay that had a Ram’s skull and a blade. I chopped off the blade, drilled a hole and attached it to the top of the chair leg. I painted it all up, and it looked PERFECT!I even glued on black fake nails on my fingers to get the full effect!

  4. Hi I love your custom made costume! I was wondering if u would make a another one for my husband? I am going to dress up as She-ra and i love this costume, can you please email me if this is possible, Thanks! karina91030[at]


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