Easy DIY Smurfette Costume

I used body paint of course and my husband’s help. This Smurfette costume was for my company Halloween Party 2010. I took a simple white dress, a few cotton balls (hot glued them to my butt) and voila. The only things that I bought were the hat and shoes, but you can however find some around the house- shoes that is. The hat they do have printables but mine was not turning out so great.

Also, I had the yellow  hair spray, and nope that would not work either so I was the only Smurfette with brown hair. Either way I won best costume and stayed blue all day. The paint washes off very easily, and does not stain at all. Actually had to have help getting it out of my ears. Everywhere I went that evening- little kids thought I was the real Smurfette! and they just stared and wanted me to give them my autograph. Although obviously a brunette and homeade – it was definitly easy to do!

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