Coolest Snow Miser and Heat Miser Costumes

All homemade and a hit at the parties! The best parts are the “ice hair’ made from candle wax over a paper mache mold. The icicles on the nose are from hot wax and the cane has a Christmas ornament on top filled with snow flakes. Heat Miser hair is all natural with just super duty hairspray holding it up. Her ears have latex elf tips on them and painted red for the authentic look. We tried to match all the details of the original 1974 Christmas Classic.

These Homemade Snow Miser and Heat Miser Costumes were fun to make and we enjoyed the comments.

Coolest Heat Miser Costume

Homemade Snow Miser and Heat Miser Costumes

Homemade Snow Miser and Heat Miser Costumes

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