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Original Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costume

For school we get prizes for having a great creative costume, also we get bigger prizes and acknowledgment when you are in groups so I thought of Thing One and Thing Two from Cat in the Hat. At first my friend thought it would be hard but it actually is not once you find the wigs and everything starts falling in to place. I had a really fun time with this and I hope these tips help.

I started off with buying the wigs which had to be blue and short I bought at Wall-Mart,
Total 5$. Then we went to the mall and bought red sweat pants which were a bit pricey but I’m sue you could get cheaper. Total: 30$. Then a shirt as well that was a solid red, Total: 18$.

Then we got regular printer paper and cut it in a circle and wrote thing 1 or thing 2.

4 thoughts on “Original Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costume”

  1. Thanks so much for the brilliant idea, we’re going to a halloween party later, and can’t wait to dress up as thing 1 and thing 2! We have blue hair dye, red face paint, red and white stripy leggings, red wellies and a red t-shirt! We can’t wait! Thanks so much!


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