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Awesome Homemade Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costumes

My twins were so excitable at only 3 months that Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costumes were a natural choice for their first Halloween costumes.

Their red onesies were stitched from red flannel that was on sale at the fabric store. (We sacrificed another onesie for the pattern). I bought a sheet of felt, traced a CD to make the circle and hot glued them on. I used a permanent marker to name the “Things”.

The hair was pretty easy. I used baby caps they already had and lucked out and found some bright blue trim on clearance at Walmart. I just placed the caps on a grapefruit and let the hot glue pour. They came out perfect!

We participated in a Trunks of treats event where my car had a Cat in the Hat theme. My boys were perfect props! Everyone loved them!

Total spent was about $18.

6 thoughts on “Awesome Homemade Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costumes”

  1. Love the costumes , thanks for specifying where different parts came from and the size of the circles-you made my day much easier!

  2. My 10 year old daughter and 2 year old son are going to be thing 1 & 2 for Halloween this year. Thanks for the great hair ideas . I was just gonna spray paint their hair blue, and may still have to for my son not sure if he’ll wear a beanie cap. I am having their shirts appliquéd and he will wear red tights with Dr. Suess converse. My daughter is having the same shirt but is going to wear a mini skirt over her tights. Gonna b too cute.


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