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Coolest Thing 1 And Thing 2 Halloween Costume

My two boys are 17 months apart, with the youngest being nearly 11 months. I looked for an idea that would incorporate a theme and came up with Thing 1 and Thing 2 Halloween Costume out of Cat in the Hat. I, of course, was Cat in the Hat.

The costumes were relative easy. For the boys, two red sweat suits we purchased, white felt and iron on fusible webbing, three bottles of fabric paint, and two blue fuzzy hats (the boys wouldn’t wear wigs). Cut the felt into a circle about the size of a dinner plate, iron on the fusible web according to directions, transfer the felt onto the front of the red shirts and outline with black paint. Write Thing 1 on one shirt and Thing 2 on the other. Easy

For Cat in the Hat, purchase a black sweatsuit. Use more white felt for the cat’s stomach, cut into an oval shape. Attach with fusible web as described above, and outline in black paint. Paint triangles along the edges. Purchase hat at party store (or make out of red and white felt). White gloves, a red scarf, and a triangle nose with whiskers drawn on your face with a makeup pencil, make the outfit complete.

The wagon was just a transportation vehicle for pulling the kids through the mall.

Random passers-by stopped us and asked for photos. We were impressed.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costume

2 thoughts on “Coolest Thing 1 And Thing 2 Halloween Costume”

  1. such a great idea for the hair I was wondering what to do with my twins and that is just perfect. Thanks for coming up with it. Love it


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