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Coolest Tiger Costume Idea

Well my friend was having a “touch of animal print” themed night out… so I decided to go all out and go as a Zebra. As you can clearly see zebra print was more a challenge to get hold of so a tiger costume was the answer!

The body piece is made from an all in onesie (size xl mens!) – cut down into a dress and sewn up to elastic the bottom in. The sleeves were also cut off. The leftover legs were used to make little booties, and a tail, by rolling on of the legs and putting a hair bobble over the end of it, before sewing it on! We also covered our bags in the material so we were 100% tigers (as tigers have bags) and then face painting time! This took about an hour to do on myself, and half an hour to do my friends. Was very much worth it though!

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