Coolest Toilet Paper Roll Costume

My 8-eight-year-old’s goal for Halloween this year was to be something “totally random”. What’s more random than a huge roll of toilet paper?!?!

The costume really wasn’t that hard to make. It probably took all of 2-3 hours to put together – it will probably take you less time since you won’t have to “noodle over” how to combine all the pieces!

Here’s all you need to create your very own master piece!!!

2 Hula Hoops (72” circumference shown), $5 each
6 Sheets of Poster Board ($0.40 each)
2 Twin Size Foam Mattress Topper ($9.00 each)
2 Yards White Fleece ($3.50/yard)
1 Bag 100 count 8” cable ties $3
1 Roll Box Tape $3


– Lay 5 sheets of poster board side-by-side on the floor with long sides touching. Tape the edges together on each side.

– Stand one hula hoop on top of the poster board approximately 2 inches from the top.

– Using Cable ties, connect poster board to the hula hoop spacing cable ties approximately 8-10 inches apart (cable ends go on the inside). I opted to trim poster board where the two ends met, however you can also choose to overlap.

– Slide the second hula hoop into the roll and place it approximately 4 inches from the bottom of the poster board.

– Secure with cable ties as you did with the first hoop

– This is your base “roll structure”.

STEP 2 – “Squeezably Soft”

– In order to make the structure feel like toilet paper to the touch, you add mattress foam to the roll structure.

– Roll out one mattress foam on the floor.

– Lie the base structure on it’s side on top of the foam.

– Using cable ties, connect foam to the hula hoop by poking holes through both the poster board frame and the foam. Space cable ties approximately 8-10 inches apart preferable between the base fasteners.

– One foam won’t be long enough to cover the roll using a 72” hoop. Cut just enough length from the second twin foam to finish the roll – you’ll need the remainder for the top/lid. (Optional – cable tie the “filler” piece of foam to the main foam piece using 2-3 ties.)


– Glue one piece of poster board to the remaining section of foam.

– Stand the structure on its end on top of the remnant and draw the circular outline.

– Cut the circle approximately one inch inside the drawn line.

– Attach the lid to the base structure using the cable ties.

– Optional – tape lid to structure for extra support.


– Cut the two yards of fleece in half along the fold.

– Sew the short ends together to make four yards of fleece.

– Lightly wrap the structure with fleece and pin where the end connects making sure to leave approximately ½ yard of fleece for dangling.

– Sew along the pinned line.

– Stand the structure on its end on top of the remnant fleece and cut out the circle approximately an inch out side the line.

– Pin and sew the top fleece part to the body fleece part.

– Cover the structure with the fleece topper making sure the dangling fleece is on the outside.


– Cut small slits in the shape of a star in the fleece where your head and hands will go.

– Cut holes through the bed waffles and poster board behind the fleece cuts.

– Pull the fleece pieces through the holes to the inside of the structure and tape the fleece to the inside.

YOU’RE READY TO ROLL!!! (no pun intended!!!)

If you’d like to be a little more decorative, you could paint light blue floral prints or other typical designs, but plain white also works just fine!

1 thought on “Coolest Toilet Paper Roll Costume”

  1. VERY creative and well-made costume! I’ll be making something similar to this, but slightly simpler. Your instructions would still be very helpful! Thanks.


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