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Coolest Train Crossing Gate Costume

My son was obsessed with crossing gates. I came up with this idea for a Train Crossing Gate Costume and he won first place at our park district Halloween party.

I took heavy foam board and made the two cross pieces. I used black stickers for the letters and used two sided tape to tape the cross pieces together. He wore a long sleeve grey t-shirt and I attached Velcro to the t-shirt and to the cross pieces so that I could just stick the crossing gate sign to his shirt. I cut the grey sleeve off one arm and sewed a white sleeve on instead, then I used red duck tape to make the stripes of the gate on his arm.

The lights were battery operated bicycle lights placed inside foam can holders. I glued black foam visors to the can holders to make the hood of the light. I attached the foam can holders to a belt with Velcro. I wrapped a Velcro strap around the foam can holder and then around his belt.

The hat is the holder for the crossing gate and I attached foam pipe insulation with Velcro to the hat. My son added the “ding ding ding” of the gates with his voice!

2 thoughts on “Coolest Train Crossing Gate Costume”

  1. I love this idea. I will have one son wear the Thomas costume and the other be the crossing gate. Can’t wait to put this together.

  2. Wow, my son loves gates too. Every night he asks to see the “ding dings”. On a train trip he liked looking for the gates the best.
    Thank you for the gate idea for a costume.
    Peter in Carlsbad CA.


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