Ursula is my favorite Disney villain of all time and I wanted to embody her spirit in my own way this Halloween. Ursula and I have similar figures and (sometimes) personalities so it was only right to dress up as her.
Until recently, I never knew how to sew and eventually taught myself enough to be able to make this costume, even though it took many hours to make. Underneath a black dress I’m wearing a skirt with a hula hoop sewn into the bottom of it to help attach eight handmade tentacles. The tentacles have battery operated string lights sewn into them and they are decorated with rhinestones and “suction cups” made out of circles of shimmer fabric. The insides of the tentacles were filled with batting and bent wire hangers to add form.
My trident is a devil’s pitchfork spray painted gold. The shell earrings I’m wearing were made from purple clay and the necklace was a hermit crab shell spray painted gold and attached to a gold chain. On top of my head I’m wearing a tiny model ship which is attached to a headband under my wig.
The ship’s sails were painted with glow in the dark paint and I placed glow sticks within it to brighten it up.I also had my guest following me around with a bubble gun to help it look like I was floating on the sea floor. A small bluetooth speaker was sewn into my costume and it played Disney’s “Poor Unfortunate Souls”.
I’m very proud of the amount of time and effort put into this costume. I went from not being able to sew a straight line to being able to light people’s faces up with they saw me in my costume, painted purple and lit up like a big octopus Christmas tree. I was very happy that everyone seemed to like and appreciate my work and it encourages me to keep creating.
I hope you all enjoy.