Coolest Ursula The Sea Witch Costume

I started my Homemade Ursula The Sea Witch Costume from a simple black corset and hoop skirt. I built the ocean skirt with blue fabric and different color streamer fabric pieces that were attached to the blue skirt. The tentacles I made with black fabric that would match the corset and look like one piece and satin purple fabric.

I then attached clear ornament balls to look like bubbles. I sewed each tentacle individually then cut out blue bubble wrap circles and glued them on for suckers. I inserted a wire piping into each tentacle for structure and then stuffed them. I attached the tentacles to a belt like piece that I also stuffed to make me look fatter. There was elastic inside, and the whole piece attached like a belt that I could take on and off.

I used fishing string to hold the tentacles up more, and two of them I put elastic on to attach to my wrist moving when I moved. The shell necklace was a Christmas tree ornament I made into a necklace. I covered my upper body in gray and purple stage makeup. I did my eye makeup with stage makeup, and wore appropriate eye lashes. I used black eyelash glue for my mole.

The earrings were shells that I painted purple. My hair is my real hair teased up and sprayed with white hair spray. I painted some finger extension purple to lengthen my hands. And to top it off added Triton’s crown and trident, which I made out of a head band and cardboard and a broom stick and card board.

My outfit was complete with a heavy spray of glitter to give it that Disney look. I stayed in character through every wear and even performed her “Poor Unfortunate Souls” song for some friends.

Homemade Ursula The Sea Witch Costume

Homemade Ursula The Sea Witch Costume

Homemade Ursula The Sea Witch Costume

11 thoughts on “Coolest Ursula The Sea Witch Costume”

  1. This is without a doubt the most amazing Ursula costume i have ever encountered!!!!! We own a performing arts studio and are doing The Little Mermaid this Spring. I have looked everywhere possible and found nothing but ugly junk. This costume is amazing. It captures the very essence of Ursula.
    Would you be willing to rent it for our production? If this is not possible, could you please answer some questions?
    1. How long amd wide did you make the tentacles?
    2. What kind of glue did you use to attach “bubbles” and “suckers”?
    3. Other than tentacles attached to wrist, are all tentacles attached to “broom”?
    4. Did you make the hoop skirt or are they for sale? Where?
    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me. We are a small academy working with students between the ages of 3 and 18 and have a very limited budget.
    Any ideas for mermaids? They are wearing “Heelies” so it looks like they are gliding, so they need to be able to move freely.
    Thanks again. Sherri

  2. 1-23-2013
    I would absolutely LOVE to either buy or rent this costume from you. Are you interested? We have a high school production of the little mermaid coming up and desperately need an Ursula costume. PLEASE respond to me at either way.
    THANK YOU very much,
    Best regards,

  3. It looks like your Ursula costume (which is great) has 6 tentacles. Is that correct?

    I think 8 would make it difficult to sit in the costume.

    Your thoughts?


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