Coolest Hand-Crafted Wizard of Oz Group Costumes

There was actually 12 of us all of us, different characters from Wizard of Oz but I cant find that picture of the Wizard of Oz Group Costume right now.

I made the wicked witch just using a Simplicity pattern. The little flower munchkin was also from a pattern. For the lollipop guild I found a pair of thick rainbow tights and attached them to a pair of shorts I had cut to have a zig zag edge.

Then I went shopping at a thrift store and found a shirt and the suspenders. I painted my son’s eye brows. Then I stuck his hair out on the sides and up on the top Mohawk style. Then I purchased a huge sucker and his costume was complete!

For the flying monkey I used a basic animal pattern but added a monkey tail and monkey ears to it. I purchased gorilla hands and feet. Then I made a vest and hat and added red felt designs to them to match the movie character. The wings were a bit tricky. We bent some medal into a U shape to fit over the shoulder then got foam core board and sprayed it black and added craft foam feathers. Blue face paint and we had it!

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