Here’s one of the most creative costumes I could come up with. I saw a lobster costume in a magazine and thought that it was so cute and I just had to make it for my son’s 1st halloween outfit. I made the jumpsuit that has hand covers and booties as well as a hat. You could buy any red jumpsuit and do the same thing in the end.
All of the lobster parts (except the hat) are Velcro’d onto the jumpsuit. First I measured my son from the neck to just past his feet. This gave me the length that I would need to make the suit. I drew what looked like a lobster body with the ribs and the fins for the tail. I cut out red satin fabric that I bought at the fabric store for about $2 on sale. Then I used fabric tracing paper to put the ribs and tail fins where I wanted them (on right side of fabric). I then pinned and sewed batting to the wrong side of the fabric and that helped create a puffy effect and sewed the back on wrong side of fabrics together then turn inside out.
You then need to sew the rib marks to make them stand out. For the arms and claws I measured the length of the arms and allowed a little more. I did the same thing as the body to create the puffy effect. Once this was done I cut several short pieces of Velcro and placed them on the arms and body so it was easy to remove when I placed him in his car seat.
The feelers on the hat were made with pipe cleaners and the same red fabric. I placed the pipecleaner in the red fabric, sewed into a tube shape and sewed by hand onto the hat. You then can shape them any way you want. I spent around $5 dollars on the actual lobster outfit and another $10 on the fleece body suit. This was one of the most fun creative costumes to make!
Total Spent: $15

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