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Creepy Dead Insane Asylum Escapee Costume

I came up with this costume idea on my own; I’m a dead insane asylum escapee. My costumes story is I was put into an insane asylum because my entire family thought I was crazy, just because I was different than them. After a while of being locked away in a room, I began to become crazy, and I couldn’t stand being alone anymore. I then found my way out of the asylum and stole one of the employee cars. It started raining as soon as I pulled out of the parking lot. I became paranoid that someone was following me and went full speed down the freeway. I noticed a large puddle in front of my on the freeway, and tried to avoid it. I swerved out of control and wrecked the car on the side of the road. I was dead.

To make the completed costume, I needed to have clothes that one would possibly have in an insane asylum, and also showed that I was in a brutal wreck. I first put a layer of dirt on top of the clothes to make it look old and dirty. Then, I smudged fake blood all over the shirt on shorts to show that I was badly hurt. I then put another layer of dirt over the fake blood, so it would be a darker color, and more realistic. Lastly, I cut up the clothes to make it more obvious that I was in a car wreck. I decided to leave the costume without shoes, to really show where I came from before the car wreck.

For the makeup, I first started by making the bags under my left eye more obvious, to show I was tired, and to emphasize that I had many sleepless night in the insane asylum. For the right eye, I added some black eyeshadow to show the skin around my eye was torn. Next, I wanted to have skin peeling off of my face and other major wounds, so I put a couple layers of non-toxic school glue on my hand and arm. After the glue dried, I peeled it off my arm, and I had my fake skin! I then added fake skin around my “torn” eye, my neck, and my arm. I added fake blood underneath the fake skin to make it more obvious of what happened. I added some random blood spots to my arms, legs and face, and also some bruises in a few places with some red and purple eyeshadow. I teased my hair to make it seem messy, and I was done!

Creepy Dead Insane Asylum Escapee Costume

Creepy Dead Insane Asylum Escapee Costume

Creepy Dead Insane Asylum Escapee Costume

Creepy Dead Insane Asylum Escapee Costume

Creepy Dead Insane Asylum Escapee Costume

Creepy Dead Insane Asylum Escapee Costume

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