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Creepy Homemade Group Costume: Silent Hill Nurses and Pyramid Head

In 2010, I made three costumes from scratch from the movie/ video game Silent Hill for two friends and I. The nurses’ heads are made of clay (I didn’t have money to buy any sort of silicone casting stuff, nor do I know how to use that) so we just wore clay masks. They were heavy and uncomfortable, but detailed, cheap, and cool looking.

There is a back to them that Velcros to the front, so our entire heads could be enclosed and look “wrapped.” The dresses were sewn by me then spot dyed with tan dye and sprayed in fake blood. We painted our skin with grey costume paint and used acrylic paint for the veins in our legs. Pyramid Head’s fabric apron was made in the same way. His head piece is made of cardboard and painted black/ silver. The “sword” he drags is also painted cardboard.

Everyone loved our costumes who knew who we were. The whole process took me about two months to make all three costumes. The materials were cheap. I believe I spent $100 or less for all three costumes. There are a couple up close up photos that were Photoshopped by me to take out the nurses’s “eye holes” but this is not really how it looked, we had to see where we were going in real life!!

Creepy Homemade Group Costume: Silent Hill Nurses and Pyramid Head

Creepy Homemade Group Costume: Silent Hill Nurses and Pyramid Head

Creepy Homemade Group Costume: Silent Hill Nurses and Pyramid Head

Creepy Homemade Group Costume: Silent Hill Nurses and Pyramid Head

Creepy Homemade Group Costume: Silent Hill Nurses and Pyramid Head

Creepy Homemade Group Costume: Silent Hill Nurses and Pyramid Head

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