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Creepy Reagan from The Exorcist Costume

This is a costume I helped my aunt pull together.  All she needed to buy was a nighty, slippers, a wig, contact lenses and food colouring.  She mixed green food colouring with porridge and put it on the nighty, like Reagan’s vomit from the movie.  That took 2 days to dry.  On Halloween day, she came by and I did her makeup…

We built and applied scars using spirit gum and nose/scar putty.  We then latexed them to seal them on.  We applied a lighter concealer to her skin and did some shading/contouring under her cheeks, head and neck.  We then added fresh scab inside the wounds and dusted a but of red makeup on the outside, to make them look ray.  We added some fancy vein work, yellow/smokers tooth and contact lenses and she was set to go!

She scared the c$%p out of everyone and won a costume contest too!


Creepy Reagan from The Exorcist Costume

Creepy Reagan from The Exorcist Costume

Creepy Reagan from The Exorcist Costume

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