I am not a sewer in the least so I probably made this harder than it was with a lot of trial and error. I made a skirt for the wrapper of the cupcake. I made pleats in the skirt to look like a cupcake wrapper. The skirt took me three evenings to get it worked out, while the frosting took just a few hours total. For the frosting I slimply made a long tube by just folding the material horizontal and sewed a straight seam. Stuffed with pillow stuffing. Hot glued pompoms on for the sprinkles. Wrapped it around me and secured it with safety pins. For the cherry, I got a styrofoam ball and painted it cherry red. Then hot glued it to a head band after insterting a pipe cleaner for the steam. Everyone loved my cupcake. We won best couples costume at the party we went to, which is why we dressed up. :)
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