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Cute Scarecrow Halloween Costume

I love making DIY Halloween costumes. Several years ago my little man was a Minion for Halloween. He was a hit! But this scarecrow Halloween costume has topped them all.

I received the most compliments on this one! I really wish I would have entered him into a contest, everyone said he would have definitely won somewhere!

All the materials for this costume were easily accessible, and I already had some of the materials!

How to Make the Scarecrow Costume:

I bought the hat on an online yard sale listing; I’m sure there are some floating around on the internet as well. The one I found was perfect! It was made of fabric but had some wire within the hat to make it stand up.

straw was hot-glued around the outside and patches were sewed on it. It actually wouldn’t take much to make your own hat!

I used a fall-looking shirt with oranges and blues to make it look more traditional. He already had this shirt so there was no need to go and buy another shirt just for this costume; however, if you’d like to find something more fitting for your costume go ahead.

I used an old pair of overalls and cut up patches to put on them. I just used hot glue to put them on.

I then bought some straw in a package at Wal-Mart and hot-glued some to the inside of the overalls and shirt. I bought some face makeup to do the nose, and that was it.

Very easy costume but looks like it took lots of time!

Cute Scarecrow Halloween Costume

Cute Scarecrow Halloween Costume