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Disney’s Hitchhiking Ghosts from the Haunted Mansion Ride

My name is Yvonne and I’m from San Pedro, California. Halloween has ALWAYS been one of my favorite holidays of the year. Since I can remember throughout my childhood (grammar school) my mother always handmade me original costumes to wear. Every year school staff looked forward to seeing what new creation my mother came up with…

No complaints came from me because I loved being the center of attention. Compliments came from everywhere, “0h, how cute you look!” or “Awesome Costume! Your Mom did it again!” We both took it all in with pride.

So here I am, years later with three boys of my own at the same Elementary school making original costumes of my own…

I always made their costumes in themes of three. From The Three Amigos, Musketeers, Knights, characters from Willy Wonka, Monkeys (hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil), Dia De los Muertos Band (Day of the Dead) and to the picture above of “The Hitch Hikers.

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