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Easy Last-Minute Homemade Pencil Costume

I wore this easy last-minute homemade Pencil Costume to my friend’s fancy dress party with the theme “film characters”. While most of my friends opted for the sexy Pocahontas or macho James Bond I opted for the understated Staedtler Pencil (there must be thousands of pencils in various films!)

To make this costume I took a length of cardboard and got a friend to wrap it around my body to measure it. I then stuck it together with tape and painted it black and yellow. I made a stencil out of card and copied onto the body with a gold marker pen. I then cut two armholes in either side with a knife. To make the pencil nib I painted an old party hat.

Getting into my costume was the hard part – my friend had to stand on a chair while feeding it slowly onto my body. I then realized it was too long and I couldn’t walk in it! Off it came and I had to trim the bottom.

While I was at the party the main difficulty was dancing. An awkward sway was the move of choice of the whole night. I did get pushed over by a mischievous joker and it took me a full 20 minutes to get back on my feet.

Overall it was worth it and crazy homemade costumes are definitely the way forward!

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