Easy Sexy She-Ra Costume

I always wanted to dress up as She-ra. When I was invited to this party I was so exited to make my own She-ra costume (first because I am a set designer and I really love to make stuff, models, costume, props… – and second because I used to live in Brazil and they don’t have this crazy costume culture like USA… It is very hard to find cool costumes in costume stores, and they are very expensive!) – So…

First thing I did, research, I start to pick all of She-ra’s pictures online. After figuring out how exactly is her costume, I went to my closet to find stuff that I could use in the costume. I found this old with skirt and this strapless top, also white: awesome! This was the base of my costume. And them I went to my sister’s closet and found those gold belts. I had this red velvet piece of fabric from one of my theater gigs, I cut and attached it in my bra strap with some gold lace.

After this I just needed the accessories, the most important thing in this costume! I went to a art supplies store to get the gold paper, glue gun, pieces of fake stones, hard paper and soft/foam paper. The headpiece I use one of those birthday crown as structure, in the side used the hard paper and then I wrapped it all on the golden paper, in the end, I added some decorative stones. It wasn’t hard, it took me two days, but I am very good doing artistic things and building stuff… so it might take 3 days in regular bases.

Easy Sexy She-Ra Costume

Easy Sexy She-Ra Costume

Easy Sexy She-Ra Costume

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