Elizabeth Swan’s Golden Gown

I brought a pattern from my local fabric store along with the fabric needed to make my golden gown. It took about a month to complete my dress all up without breaks. As my mum and I were making the dress, we came across a few problems such as fraying but that was quickly fixed using No Fray glue. I created the necklace using cardboard, paper and a paperclip which was put on a gold chain around my neck. To complete the look, I bought some brown slip on shoes to go with the outfit.

I first wore my Elizabeth Swan dress at a convention and I quickly worked out that It gets very hot in the dress, so I bought a fan for the next time I wore it, which for year 12 dress-up day at the end of 2011.

All in all, I found this costume a difficult dress to make, but the accessories make the dress.

Elizabeth Swan's Golden Gown

Elizabeth Swan's Golden Gown

Elizabeth Swan's Golden Gown

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