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Fast Food Fashion: Colonel Sanders and Wendy Couple Costume

This is my husband and I as Colonel Sanders from KFC, and Wendy from Wendy’s.

We threw this costume together as a last minute idea.  For Colonel Sanders we searched thrift stores high and low to find the perfect pants, and jacket. We borrowed a cane from a relative.  We found the neck tie at a costume shop for really cheap.  For the hair we found some cheap white Halloween hair spray that worked wonders!  And the bucket we got straight from KFC, (you just go in there and ask for an empty bucket, they were kind to us about it). Then to top it all off we bought a rubber chicken.

For Wendy we wanted to make her a little more modern looking.  We used an old costume dress we had, and a bright red wig from a costume shop that we tied blue ribbons to.  We used a a lipstick and q tips for the freckles on the cheeks.  We also got a Wendy’s Cup from Wendy’s, and a rubber burger from the Dollar store to top it all off.

We had a great time wearing the costumes, and got lots of awesome compliments!

Fast Food Fashion: Colonel Sanders and Wendy Couple Costume

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