Home » Katy Perry Costumes » Fun Katy Perry, Russell Brand and Kitty Purry Costumes

Fun Katy Perry, Russell Brand and Kitty Purry Costumes

These are fun Katy Perry, Russell Brand and Kitty Purry Costumes.

For Katy I used a plain white tube top. I glued gems, peppermints, a Christmas ornament (Ice cream cone) , iron on cupcake decals and added glitter paint polka dots and swirls for extra sparkle. The tu-tu is homemade as well from a quick tutorial I saw on YouTube. I added glitter ribbon to the tu-tu for more sparkle! You can never have too much sparkle! The wig was bought from Party City.

I’m not a crafty person at all and I feel that I pulled off Katy pretty well! I loved when we went out and people would call out, “Hey there’s Russell and Katy!!”I And it was fun when DJ’s would play Katy Perry songs and call us out to the dance floor. It was just an idea from seeing the expensive costumes in stores and wondering if I could make it and for a lesser price, I indeed did make it for less. The whole costume cost about $20-$30.

This a fun couples costume :) For Katy I used a plain white tube top.I glued gems, peppermints, a Christmas ornament (Ice cream cone) , iron on cupca

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