The boys love Dispicible Me and me being a designer, I thought it would be cool to make them costumes. It started with poster board and paper mache $155.00 in materials later I have some cool costumes the boys just love and can’t wait to go trick or treating.
Funny Homemade Minions Couple Costume

Looks awesome!!! How did you make the eyes? Great detail!!
Looks awesome!!! How did you make the eyes? Great detail!!
pretty sweet
pretty sweet
As a enthusiast dispicible me watcher I commend your skills with paper mâché – crazy French word for a mold able experience. Your dollars spent go world wide and as a mother of five (who makes every moment count) this one for u did! Kudos of being original:)
As a enthusiast dispicible me watcher I commend your skills with paper mâché – crazy French word for a mold able experience. Your dollars spent go world wide and as a mother of five (who makes every moment count) this one for u did! Kudos of being original:)