Funny Port-O-Hottie Costume

I wanted to create a funny costume this year that would make everyone stop and stare. And what is more hilarious than a Port-O-Potty? Or as I like to say it – a Port-O-Hottie, because I’m a single female wearing this!

I bought the blue bin at Target and went to Home Depot where I bought $20 worth of supplies to finish it up – including the toilet paper holder and men’s bathroom sign. The hardest part of the whole costume was figuring out how to sync the bin to my shoulders so it wouldn’t fall off. I ended up running two bungee cords through the bottom of the bin near where my head was, and looped it around my shoulders so it would hold in place. I put insulation around the bungee cords that go under my armpits so that it brings me some comfort throughout the night. Lastly, I needed to make sure the back of the bin would balance out which required another bungee cord. It took a lot of double sided tape, wooden slabs and screws to make the door hold, but it was definitely worth it! I also bought a toilet paper holder for $4.99 and used double-sided tape on the end of it to make it stay in place without unraveling while I’m out and about. I haven’t yet worn my costume because I’m waiting until Halloween night to show it off. But, It turned out amazing, and I can’t wait to show it off! I have already posted the pictures on social media and people have been going CRAZY! They absolutely love my costume!

I think it’s a testament that not all women need to dress “sexy” for Halloween. You can also be funny which is sometimes even sexier than throwing on a duct tape dress. I truly can’t wait to see the look on people’s faces when I walk in the room with a giant makeshift port-o-potty on my head!

Funny Port-O-Hottie Costume

Funny Port-O-Hottie Costume

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