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Genie on a Flying Carpet Illusion Costume

I grew up in a country when at that time, Halloween is not about costume but a holy day to remember the departed loved ones. But when I got to the US and had my family, the tradition of dressing up got me more excited than my kids, a chance to put my creativity to work.

We were watching Aladdin when I told my son I will make him a genie costume but make it more interesting-with a flying carpet! But kids being as they are, he wants store bought costume. But I cannot get the idea out of my head so I decided to make it for myself. Thought it will be easy as I picture in my head the materials I will need. Well, it was not as easy as I thought. It took me a lot of going back and forth the thrift store, dollar store and craft store.

I used a foamboard and cardboard and  bamboo stakes (dollar store) for a sturdier form then glued together. Cut a hole 2/3 at the back of the board the shape of my hips. This took some time and patience. Snug is better. Oh, the size of the carpet does matter, if you want to go anywhere-you have to fit a regular door at least.

Got me thin batting from craft store and a thin fabric from thrift store with carpet pattern. I dont want to buy store bought tassle – they can be expensive, so I found a throw pillow with tassle around, and used that. The stuffing for the legs later. $2. Glued tassle at the edge of the carpet. I cut the body hole as well. Glued dark fabric around the carpet. Yes, glue gun will be your best friend of the day.

Found a garterized silk oversize pyjamas-lay the bottom to the carpet hole and sewn around the hole rim before cutting the pants hole. I ruined one nice pyjama when I cut the pyjama hole first and it didnt not fit nicely into the carpet hole. Save yourself the mistake I did.

I  formed the fake legs using pool noodles, wire hanger, pillow stuffing and thigh high stockings and light weight shoes. I found a plastic watering can for $1 at thrift store – painted gold and put gems-instant lamp. Glued to the carpet.

So I thought I can finally fly. I had issue with balancing the carpet so I used fishing lines and had it go through each folded legs and tied around my bracelet so I can support without holding the carpet. It did the trick.

I accessorize myself using the round packing tape cardboard spray paint gold for the hair tie, $1 1/2 yard net scarf from the craft store, lots of gold jewellery.

So as soon as my family got out of the car, it was amazing on how people and kids react to the costume. Some kids would like to pinch the leg, look under the fabric, some kids even went on staring and bumped onto another kid. Most want their picture taken with me. It was a fun night.

Unfortunately it was also a rainy night out. The weight of the rain was blowing my carpet, time to rub the lamp, wish it will stop raining! But the show has to go on, it was fun seeing even grown ups smile when they see the costume.

Genie on a Flying Carpet Illusion Costume