Home » Game & Toy Costumes » Barbie and Ken Costumes » Hands-Free Barbie and Ken in a Box Couple Costume

Hands-Free Barbie and Ken in a Box Couple Costume

Last year, my boyfriend and I went in a Barbie and Ken in a box couple costume. I wanted to do something unique, and although we saw another Barbie and Ken at a party we went to, they quickly took their boxes off after seeing ours.

Ken and I went to a few bars, and won prizes at all of them. Everyone wanted to take pictures. They were a little bulky, but when anyone saw us coming through people would gladly move to the side. The great thing about our costumes were the fact that we didn’t have to hold them the whole time and I made them to where we could slip out of them very easily. 

Also, when Ken and I wanted a little privacy, we just put our boxes together and no one could see us.

It took some time making the costumes, but the outcome was well worth it. The materials needed were very inexpensive too!


  • – wardrobe box
  • – spray paint/paint
  • – ribbon
  • – duct tape
  • – hot glue gun
  • – cutting utensil

The box:

First, I took the wardrobe box and cut one side out so I could it inside. I used the duct tape to tape together the ends of the boxes. Make sure the tape in smooth because when you paint it, you don’t want to have any  bubbles!  After you have your box fitted properly, you spray paint it whatever color you want. Make sure to decorate the inside!

Hands Free:

The other couple we ran into had to hold their boxes the whole time. Well, if you hare planning on eating, drinking, dancing etc, that isn’t really an option. This step was the trickiest.

You will need to poke holes in the box where you can pull the ribbon through to make it like a back pack. I made the ribbon match my outfit so you couldn’t see it when it was on my back. Because the box will be a little heavy, you will need to get enough ribbon to wrap in and out of the box a few times. 

Make the ribbon long enough to where you can pull it BACK THROUGH the box to the INSIDE. You will need to tie the ribbon around your waist because it will be top heavy. When it is tied around your waist it will help to keep the box steady.

Also, before you poke the holes, make sure you measure!! Remember, like a backpack, the box will fall a little bit. You want to make the holes lower so the box isn’t resting on your head. AND make sure you make the ribbon loose enough where you can take it on and off. Barbie can not pee with the box on!


I made the “Barbie and Ken” logo with the part of the box I cut out. Once I decorated it, I then took the hot glue gun and glued the logo to the box.

Last year, my boyfriend and I went as Barbie and Ken in a box. I wanted to do something unique, and although we saw another Barbie and Ken at a party

Last year, my boyfriend and I went as Barbie and Ken in a box. I wanted to do something unique, and although we saw another Barbie and Ken at a party

Last year, my boyfriend and I went as Barbie and Ken in a box. I wanted to do something unique, and although we saw another Barbie and Ken at a party

1 thought on “Hands-Free Barbie and Ken in a Box Couple Costume”

  1. Very cute. I remember seeing ya’ll at Sherlocks ^_^ Great job! Wonder what creative costumes you all are planning this year :)


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