I asked my 4 year old grandson what he would like to be for Halloween and he said “Billy the Exterminator”. That was something I had to look up since I hadn’t seen that TV show. I started with a black t-shirt, I made a stencil of the Vex Con logo and painted it on the shirt in white and added studs that I purchased at the hobby store in the leather . I bought a hat at the dollar store and used black vinyl fabric for the band, a skull and crossbone that are shoe clips that I bought in the Halloween dept. and then studs were added. A black pair of jeans with a belt cut from a length of chain with the other shoe clip attached for the belt buckle. The side and back chains were purchased from the jewelry making dept. at a local store. I bought batting gloves, cut off the fingers, painted the white parts black with a permanent marker and added studs. The arm bands are cut from black vinyl with studs added and velcro to close them. Billy the exterminator always wears an unusual cross so we also added the necklace from his mom’s jewelry box.
Homemade Billy the Exterminator Costume
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