I am wearing the costume. My costume is loosely based on David Bowie’s early personas, Ziggy Stardust and Halloween Jack (Rebel Rebel/Diamond Dogs era). I bought a shiny red orange David Bowie looking wig and the authentic vintage 70’s button up shirt from eBay I bought the polka dot scarf for only $2 at Goodwill. I already had the red pants and black platform boots (hard to tell in the pictures). The only thing I bought at the Halloween store was the pirate eye patch and earring.
I bought the red guitar off of eBay but you probably could get it from a Halloween store too. Gathering the items were fun, although took a bit more effort since I was trying to look as accurate as possible. In the end the makeup took the most time as I had to learn how to cover and hide my eyebrows as I sure didn’t want to shave them off!
It was a very fun costume and ended up being a hit at where I partied! I went to a David Bowie tribute gig on Halloween wearing this and got so many compliments…even got to get up on stage with the band singing Rebel Rebel!
I know I neglected to say most of what it cost me, I’d say probably around $20-30 total but mostly because I had other things already…if I didn’t it might have been a bit more. And the makeup I learned from youtube videos. I did the spirit gum technique where I had to put it all over my eyebrows to make it smooth then I put ben nye scar wax over it. That was the hardest part because I kept getting too much on my eyebrows and it has to be smooth and not bumpy. I used a metal spoon heated over a candle (because I do not own a lighter) to apply the wax to my brows. Then I tried my best to blend it in with powder and colored concealer and then powdered my whole face. It did take a bit of practice. I wore this costume 2 times. I think I got it better the second time around than the first. The youtube videos were really helpful in demonstrating how to do this, just google it up. I also put metallic silvery eyeshadow all over my eyes with glitter and then used red eyeshadow for the blush and under my eye. I had bought actual blush for this but the red eyeshadow ended up doing a better job for the look I was going for. More vibrant than drugstore blush! And then always, always set your makeup with powder so it won’t rub off during the night!
I know I neglected to say most of what it cost me, I’d say probably around $20-30 total but mostly because I had other things already…if I didn’t it might have been a bit more. And the makeup I learned from youtube videos. I did the spirit gum technique where I had to put it all over my eyebrows to make it smooth then I put ben nye scar wax over it. That was the hardest part because I kept getting too much on my eyebrows and it has to be smooth and not bumpy. I used a metal spoon heated over a candle (because I do not own a lighter) to apply the wax to my brows. Then I tried my best to blend it in with powder and colored concealer and then powdered my whole face. It did take a bit of practice. I wore this costume 2 times. I think I got it better the second time around than the first. The youtube videos were really helpful in demonstrating how to do this, just google it up. I also put metallic silvery eyeshadow all over my eyes with glitter and then used red eyeshadow for the blush and under my eye. I had bought actual blush for this but the red eyeshadow ended up doing a better job for the look I was going for. More vibrant than drugstore blush! And then always, always set your makeup with powder so it won’t rub off during the night!