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Homemade Devil Couple Costume Based on Legend

This is not an easy costume but is guaranteed to get the WOW factor from any Halloween party or costume contest.  It is based on the 1985 sci-fi movie Legend.  The character/villain is called Darkness.  The costume consisted of a store bought latex mask glued to a latex bald cap for full head coverage. The bald cap had to be painted red to match the mask although you can’t see it in the picture. This mask required a lot of spirit gum and/or liquid latex to sit flush against the skin.

Horn instructions: I cut the horns out of the original mask and made new horns out of tin foil forms.  This took a few practice runs to get the right shape.  I covered the tin foil forms in paper mache (easy to do with newspaper and a solution of water and Elmer’s glue).  After 2-3 layers of paper mache are dry, slice the paper mache and remove the forms.  Once the forms are removed recover the dried forms with another 2-3 layers of paper mache.  This will ensure that they will be very light and very rigid.  I painted them glossy black for an organic appearance.

The cape was made of cloth strips and tight armbands that wrapped around the armpits. This is important to  keep the right look of the movie character.  As far as the body paint, it helps to have someone that can cover your back with paint.  The pants were store bought slacks covered in fur material.  It helps A LOT to cut slits for the fly and pockets.  The ability to pee easily is crucial for every costume.  Any store bought fabric works for the “skirt” if cut into 1-2″ strips. I also had devil/elf ears and vampire teeth available from any Halloween store. The only magic to the girl’s costume included a strategically placed coat hanger to make the tail stand up.

Full preparation time for both of these costumes was about 4 hours.  The unicorn horn is optional, but if you have it, it helps because people who know the move will LOVE this costume.  We had our picture taken pretty much non stop all night.  I’m willing to bet your abs look better than mine and we still won 2 costume contests.  But be prepared, when you wash all that red paint off your body it will look like someone got murdered in your shower.  The costume contest winnings was well worth it though.

Homemade Devil Couple Costume Based on Legend

Homemade Devil Couple Costume Based on Legend

Homemade Devil Couple Costume Based on Legend

Homemade Devil Couple Costume Based on Legend

Homemade Devil Couple Costume Based on Legend

4 thoughts on “Homemade Devil Couple Costume Based on Legend”

    • Darkness, you can subscribe to your costume’s comments by clicking the subscribe button in the bottom left corner below :-) Great costume!

    • Darkness, you can subscribe to your costume’s comments by clicking the subscribe button in the bottom left corner below :-) Great costume!


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