Home » Theme Costumes » Work & Hobby Costumes » Ice Cream Man Costumes » Homemade Ice Cream Man Costume for under 10 Dollars!

Homemade Ice Cream Man Costume for under 10 Dollars!

First I used glue sticks to make a square for my  Ice Cream Man Costume. I shaped it into a cone, painted it, added some maggots that I made with hot glue. Glue ice cream cones with melted looking ice cream onto clothes. Sprinkles were glued on face with eyelashes glue. Use eyeshadow makeup for the face.

I glued gummy bears on the cuffs, candy buttons made from glue for the shirt. I glued sprinkles around the the hat cone, glued the cone to an old wig that I painted black. Added some webs and spiders and blood on the cones.

First I use glue sticks to make a square ,shaped it into a cone painted it added some maggots that I made with hot glue.Glue ice cream cones with mel

First I use glue sticks to make a square ,shaped it into a cone painted it added some maggots that I made with hot glue.Glue ice cream cones with mel

First I use glue sticks to make a square ,shaped it into a cone painted it added some maggots that I made with hot glue.Glue ice cream cones with mel

First I use glue sticks to make a square ,shaped it into a cone painted it added some maggots that I made with hot glue.Glue ice cream cones with mel

First I use glue sticks to make a square ,shaped it into a cone painted it added some maggots that I made with hot glue.Glue ice cream cones with mel

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