My cousin and I decided we would go as woody and Jessie for Halloween(even though she decided to go as Miley Cyrus instead). I found the shirt and the jeans at a thrift store. I bought yellow fabric and cow print fabric and hot glued them on. I used puff paint for the designs on the shirt and I got the buttons from Walmart. I found a foam hat at Michael’s and painted it red and then strung yellow ribbon through it. I used cardboard to make the belt buckle and I wore my cowboy boots. On Halloween, I sprayed my hair red to match Jessie’s. I went trick or treating in my cousins neighborhood and kids were running up to me and telling me I looked just like Jessie. It was a lot of work, but it was totally worth it to hear everyone’s reactions and hear them tell me how great it came out and how crafty I was in making it.
Homemade Jessie Costume for a Teen Girl

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