Homemade Speedy Gonzalez Costume

Surpisingly it took a bit to get this together! This was for my friends 30th which was a mexican/spanish themed fiesta!!

Finding white clothes was easy enough. I just brought them from the local Target store. The red bandana I could not find anywhere so I ended up buying two red napkins and stitched them together. The sombrero took a while to find as well. I spent alot of time looking online for a yellow sombrero, with no luck. I ended up finding a cheap $5 sombrero at a discount store and painted it yellow. For the ears I found a mouse ear headband, but it sat too far forward with the hat on so I removed the ears from the headband and attached it directly to the hat. The ears were originally black so I painted over with a brown. Make up was easy! black nose with whiskers!! I wore plain brown flats as well to complete the look. If I was any good at paper mache i would have also made a wedge of cheese. Everyone loved my costume because I had put a bit of effort into it too :)

Homemade Speedy Gonzalez Costume

Homemade Speedy Gonzalez Costume

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