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Homemade Toilet Halloween Costume

The toilet lid opens and closes by pulling on fish line, which connects to the lid and is strung inside through the eye holes. So not only does the toilet “say trick or treat and thank you” but the bowl is designed to open to receive and store the candy.

The arms are not real, so the hands are free inside the costume to maneuver the strings. The flush handle moves and the roll of toilet paper and box of tampons placed on top of the toilet tank were added to make the toilet appear more realistic. Wobbly eye and vampire teeth were attached to give the talking toilet a more believable look.

The hands are latex rubber gloves and one hand is holding a toilet brush to add a bit more fun. The body of the toilet is made from cardboard boxes and white garbage bags and the lid is covered with a fuzzy black toilet seat cover. No skid is used to help camouflage the eye holes.

This costume took about 3 days to work on and only cost $3.50 the price of the flush handle.

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