I had been wanting to do an Inspector Gadget costume for a while and finally pulled the trigger this year. I was so excited at the outcome I thought I would share it. (Before I forget, thanks to everyone who had things posted on the internet for idea inspirations along the way).
I basically stalked Goodwill waiting for the perfect coat and one day, there it was! The hat was Goodwill too, as was the button down white shirt. I don’t have an exact amount spent on that part but you get the idea it wasn’t too expensive. The tie was an online cheap purchase, and the pants and shoes were already in my closet. The gloves and wig were in my costume stash so no cost there. Same with the magnifying glass for the Inspector Gadget costume.
I used a wire hanger and some dishwashing gloves that were from the dollar store. Bent the hanger into a a few fingers worth of shape and fit it into the glove stuffed with left over batting and stuffing from the depths of my craft supplies. I tucked the wire into the hat brim and added a number of spaced out stiches securing the wire to the hat. Since the hat was a little lose and i was adding weight to it i took and old baseball cap, spun it around backwards and sewed it inside the hat – leaving a section unsecured so I could work some idea in for mounting the rotating warning light. I purchased a red light off the internet and glued a metal disk to the bottom making sure it was only attached to the battery door so i could open and replace the batteries…and don’t block the on and off switch. Remember that section of the baseball cap I left free? I reached in between the two hats and slid in a nice strong magnet – and voila!
I purchased the police badge/holder at the party store and printed an ‘ID’ card out on the computer from a picture i found. I found the alligator clip/magnifying glass contraption at the tool store and had to have it.
Hope this helps anyone else waiting to pull the trigger on this fun character!! Go for it!