Home » Gotye Costumes » Kimbra Costume from Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know” Music Video

Kimbra Costume from Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know” Music Video

So this song blew up that summer and me being not afraid of anything took on the challenge of making this costume and wearing it as a big girl with pride. I first bought a skin suit in nude, I will tell you that when I walked out of the dressing room the store staff and my friends were dying laughing and trying to convince me this was not a good idea

I looked naked. I screamed, “that’s the point”! lol anyhow I ended up cutting off the hands and head Of suit. Many times I wanted to give up because the making of this was time consuming. I first had to watch the Award winning video like 100 times studying the most important triangles and colors. I used fabric paint and a dummy to trace and create the patterns. Then I put on suit and went to my mom’s for her to draw some basic shapes over my goodies so it wasn’t a hot fat mess. I also used iron on transfer to fuse Gotye’s face to a purse so I could “sing” to it like the video. The reaction was slower than expected, but some who got it were blown away. Once Goyte’s won “Song of the Year” for it, I reported the pic and got a lot more ohhhhs and ahhhhs.

Kimbra Costume from Gotye's

Kimbra Costume from Gotye's

Kimbra Costume from Gotye's

Kimbra Costume from Gotye's

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