Knight in Shiny Armour Costume

Keeton loves Mike the Knight and wanted to be a knight this year for Halloween, but all of the costumes we found were either one piece jump suits or really fake plastic looking. So we decided to look at some photos of suits of armour and make our own. We had no idea what a task this would be.

First, we had to decide where to begin. We made a template on paper to get an idea of what we were going to do. We then cut each piece out of thin pliable cardboard and wrapped it in aluminum. We used brads and Chicago screws for the rivets and used elastic bands to hold it all together.

The lance was a wooden rod painted and wrapped in duct tape. The shield was also cardboard wrapped with aluminum and handle put on the back.

All together this costume took about six weeks, but all the time and effort were worth it when Keeton got to put it on for the first time and just grinned from ear to ear saying he never wanted to take it off again.

Keeton attended a trunk or treat at Innsbrook and everyone stopped what they were doing, even while watching a magic show, to see him ride his horse in his suit of armour and he seemed to attract all the damsels in distress. He had his picture taken more times than I can count and was asked countless times if the costume was available for sale after Halloween, which I of course said no to because not only is it priceless, but also because of all the darn time and effort no one could ever pay us enough.

At the same event they had a parade where the kids go on stage and show off their costumes, all just for fun, Keeton was declared the winner at the costume parade even though there was no contest and got extra candy from the DJ.

This costume was made out of love by Keeton’s great-granny, grammy, and myself, and I know all the hard work and effort was worth it because Keeton tells everyone he meets about how he is a knight with shiny armour.


Knight in Shiny Armour Costume

Knight in Shiny Armour Costume

Knight in Shiny Armour Costume

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