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Last-Minute Homemade Costume Idea for a Woman: The Fifth Element’s Leeloo

Every year I wait until the last minute to figure out my costume because I want something unique. I like making my costume (or at least adding my own personal touches to it) and although I want it to compliment the fact that I’m a girl, I don’t want it to be TOO revealing or risque. This year I was shopping on October 28-29 looking for anything in the costume shop that spoke to me…without any luck I ended up in the wig section thinking I could build a costume around a fun wig and that I did!

I picked up the orange one and something clicked! I bought the wig for $6, found a $2 white tee shirt and I was on my way. All that was left was to make the orange suspenders which after much brainstorming I figured that duct tape would be the best way to go. 2 rolls of bright orange duct tape and a few hours later..my costume was complete! Although the real Leeloo wore gold pants lined with black, I chose to wear black pants due to a time crunch and the fact that I thought the suspenders and orange hair were the main parts of the costume. It was such a hit! I was the only Leeloo that I saw out the night of Halloween and I had people coming up to me all night saying great costume! Leeloo is my dream woman! Anyone who knew a little bit about sci fi movies knew who I was. it was fun because the costume was sexy yet respectable as well. The best part for me was knowing I had thought of a unique enough idea that no one else had thought of (that I saw out anyway).

Steps to make the costume:

  1. Find a bright orange wig (just above shoulders-chin length, crop cut)
  2. Cut a white t-shirt into a crop cut between just underneath your bust-your rib cage
  3. Wear black or gold straight leg pants
  4. Make the orange suspenders out of bright orange duct tape:
    • I cut  four really long strips (each long enough to fit over my shoulders and between my crotch and connect to   each other- essentially they will make a big loop to fit over this area.
    • Stick two of the strips together being careful to do it straight, do this again with the other two long strips of duct tape.
    • Once you have two big loops of duct tape made, connect them with a duct tape piece that will sit in the middle of your back, make sure you use another piece of duct tape on the back of this one so it doesn’t stick to your back.
    • Cut holes about 4-5 inches apart (about 1 inch diameter) all the way down the suspenders.


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