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The Little Shop of Horrors Family Costume

Every Halloween I try to top the costume my husband and I did the year before. I’m finding it’s getting more and more difficult!  This year, however, we had to come up with something with three since we added a baby to the mix. :) In the past we’ve done Venkman and Zuul from Ghostbusters, Mickey and Mallory Knox from Natural Born Killers, and Beetlejuice and Lydia from, well, you know Beetlejuice! We’ve skipped a Halloween here and there and did costumes that we just kind of made up, but it seems like the flick costumes are our favorites!

Enough about that. This year we were going crazy trying to figure out what the perfect costume for our baby’s first Halloween.  Something recognizable but also something we haven’t seen before. After many ideas discussed and nothing we had a love for, it just clicked. If our baby could talk, I believe the thing he would say the most is, in fact, “FEED ME!”

For Audrey II:

So I started looking for a plain green footed sleeper with a hood. Apparently this does not exist. I could have pieced something together with little sweat pants and a hoodie, but I wanted it all to be plain and the same color, and it all around would be easier for it to be one piece. So I traced out some jammies and the hood from a sweatshirt and just made one myself. I used stretchy material since my kid is growing like a WEED (see what I did there?  ha ha) I painted some veins on the hood and sewed some leaves and vines here and there. I had a lot of different ideas for Audrey II’s teeth, but what I ended up doing is taking two pieces of white foam, cut random points on one side, covered the other side in green fabric, and then attached them with a button on each side of the hood. I used a button so it could be used as a hinge so it wouldn’t be too stiff and move as my baby did. I then covered the button with fabric so you couldn’t see it. Since he was going to be in his carrier, we decided since he was the baby Audrey II, he should be in a Maxwell House Coffee can. I got a shiny blue material and stenciled the words on with fabric paint, I shadowed the letters and just painted the coffee cup. I also put wire all around the fabric so I had a flexible square, I then bent it to look like a half a can. I attached it at the top of the baby carrier so movement and bending it wouldn’t cause any issues. Of course I had to cover the straps with green material and add more vines to complete his “big bad mother from outer space” look.


My husband already had some khakis and dark brown loafers so all I needed to find was a shirt, vest, and glasses. The glasses were really easy to find, they were on clearance with sunglasses and whatnot. I thought finding a white and brown paisley button up would be easy to find from a thrift store for some reason, but I was wrong. The best thing I could find was a striped shirt, which works out because he had one of those too in the movie. The remake, perhaps I should have specified I was basing our costume off the 1986 movie. ANYWAY, I hunted for a two tone sweater vest and finally found one at a thrift store that was perfect. Yay, thrift stores.


This was probably the easiest since leopard print has become so popular and available. I found the dress at an outlet store for 15 bucks and found matching leopard shoes really cheap from WalMart. I found a blonde wig and tried my best to style it. Since it’s a cheapo synthetic I’m not sure how I could have added more volume. I was able to curl the bangs and fan them out along with curling it under. I teased it a bit and sprayed it, but it still lost a lot of the puff immediately. I painted my finger nails red, wore a gob of blue eyeshadow and bright red lipstick, had some gold sparkly earrings, and some gold bracelets.

The people who knew who we were, KNEW who we were! We heard songs from the movie over and over throughout the night, it was great! It was even requested that we broke out in song, unfortunately, that was not going to happen. :)  The baby stayed nice and warm and loved all the attention! He didn’t even seem to mind he had crap hanging off of him.

I wonder what we’ll do next year?

The Little Shop of Horrors Family Costume

The Little Shop of Horrors Family Costume

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