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Made After Midnight Zombie Makeup and Costume

Hello I’m Sammy  and I’m an amateur makeup artist. Professional Hollywood-Quality Makeup is my Dream, my Passion, and my Drive. Late last night, was driven to create, “Liar,” my custom costume and vision.

When you see my costume it implies a back story of people, maybe an ex-girlfriend, getting tired of my character’s behavior and lies. Consumed by her frustration, she takes drastic measures… My character has the word “Liar” carved on his face and his flesh has been singed by fire.

How I Did It:

1. I applied several layers of liquid latex and waited till it was all dry.

2. I ripped holes and made cuts throughout the latex to simulate burns and the word “Liar” made of cuts.

3. I applied a base coat of grey cream makeup on my entire face and neck.

4. I added reds, yellows, purples, blues, browns, and even some greens to various parts of my face to add life to my overall look. I filled in the burns with purple, and the cuts in with red. I also used hair spray to turn my hair from brown to black, and then tipped my hair with white for a singed look.

5. I used translucent powder to cover all my work so it would be dry-to-the-touch and stay in place.

6. For my props, I put on clothes that had actual burns and rips in them. I put in a special white, blood-spotted contact in to my left eye and Fake Blood into the cuts I made and on parts of my clothing.

Thank you so much for your consideration! Win or Lose, this is my Passion and I will keep doing it for the rest of my life. Once again, thank you for the time spent reviewing my application, I really appreciate it. Happy Halloween!

Made After Midnight Zombie Makeup and Costume

Made After Midnight Zombie Makeup and Costume

Made After Midnight Zombie Makeup and Costume

Made After Midnight Zombie Makeup and Costume

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