Marvelous Homemade Minion Costumes

I have made my grandsons costumes every year of their lives. We usually go to the fabric store and the boys pick out the pattern for the costume of their choice. However this year they wanted to be minions and there were no patterns available. My daughter suggested yellow hoodies and overalls but this overachieving nanny said no way. I looked online and saw a few ideas but I did not see what I wanted to use.

After shopping around I found my minion materials. I made the body base from a yoga mat rolled into a cylinder and held together with packing and duct tape. To keep the bottom circular I cut a swim noodle in half and taped and hot glued to the bottom of the body. Aother swim noodle was glued into the body base right above the holes cut out for their arms to help support the costumes.The head was made from a plastic candy dish which I added a piece of the yoga mat to the edge so it could be attached to the body. The openings for the eyes/eye were cut from this piece. I hotglued a piece of 2″ thick foam in the bottom of the dish to make it easier on their heads. I hotglued quilt batting on the candy dish to cover the design and to achieve the round shape of the top of the head.

After assembling the foam body and head I pulled on the yellow casing which I made from felt. Sort of like stuffing a pillow into pillowcase. The goggles were made from a foam can coosie and the one eye was a cardboard grit box covered with mosquito netting (so the boys could see) and gray felt. The hair was jumbo chenile stems that were hotglued to the top of the head. Mouths were cut from felt. Overalls were elastic waist womens denim jeans that had the legs cut to fit to the ankles. The cut off legs were used for the bib and straps. Felt was used for the logo.

We attended Boo at the Zoo in Atlanta where the minions were a huge hit. It was like being with celebrities.Little kids were coming up to the boys and hugging them, high fiving and shaking their hands. People were constantly taking their pictures. One little boy thanked them for their movie! They were winners in the costume contest.

My favorite part was when the boys saw the costumes for the first time and told me how awesome they were!!

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