Coolest Ever Homemade Topiary Bush Mickey Mouse Costume

I saw the topiary bush Mickey Mouse costume someone had made in child’s size and thought that I could do it myself, so I did it!

I started by purchasing the leggings, shirt, and men’s basketball shorts off of Amazon, along with a 3 pound box of dried moss, (Three suggestions- 1: if you’re tall, you’re going to need more than that 3 pound box, 2: take your time and hot glue EVERYTHING down to the shorts and whatnot. 3: it sheds like crazy, so do it somewhere you don’t mind having a large mess until final cleanup.) and also lots of silk ivy vines that I clipped the leaves off of.

The head of the topiary bush Mickey Mouse costume is a beach ball, that I did 3 layers if paper mache and then did duct tape. The snout is actually just plastic grocery sacks and duct tape that I bunched the bags and taped them down to get the shape I wanted. The ears are duct taped 2 heavy duty paper plates. And then taped down to the head.

Shoes were bought at goodwill, and then I hot glued cushion foam in pieces onto them. Once on where I thought looked good. I then trimmed it with a pair of scissors until I got the shape I was looking for. Then I covered them in duct tape. I stuffed the inside of the shoes with plastic bags, took them and the mickey head into my spray booth and sprayed them a hunter green.

To be able to see out of the mask, I cut some eye holes and covered it in a green tulle and then put a light cover of moss and leaves. I would suggest a larger viewing space so your vision isn’t so impaired.

I also made a Mickey belly out of some scrap fabric, pillow fluff and elastic.

All and all, the topiary bush Mickey Mouse costume was a very warm costume. I did win first place in my local contest, though they called me Vietnam Era Mickey, which cracked me up!

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