Mini Gree Costume

My five year old is a huge fan of the new Star Wars movies. We bought him the movies, and he loves to watch it over and over. To our surprise his favorite character is the short lived Com. Gree. So he has to be Gree.

So we went out to the local Target to get a clone trooper custom. $50 later he was in heaven, and my wife and I hated the way the customs one size fits all did not fit him in any way, shape or form. Not to mention as my son put it, Commander Gree is not blue.

So I decided to take matters into my on hands. And with some help from my wife we repainted the plastic helmet that came with to store bought costume and tossed out the rest. I had a roll of gator board so I cut out some new body armor and chest armor. Made a cape and pair of suspenders out of some canvas. Then created a utility belt out of two wooden blocks, two tic-tac containers and an empty roll of toilet paper.

After all pieces were painted to match, my son had his Commander Gree costume. Which he wants to sleep in now.

2 thoughts on “Mini Gree Costume”

  1. This is an awesome costume. My son wants to be a clone trooper for Halloween and I agree with you, the store bought one looks very cheap. Can you describe what “gator board” is?
    Thank you!

  2. Sorry for the VERY slow answer. Ram board is the same thickness and works as well. I hope this helps. He (my son) wants to me to make him a more modern version, so I’m using the same board but using water to bend and shape the cardboard.


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