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Naked M&Ms Halloween Costume Idea

To make this M&M costume, I purchased 2.5 yards of brown felt and .5 yard of white felt. I cut the circular pattern using a round chair. Pre-cut eyes, brows, glasses, m letters, then started sewing all pieces together. I had a white sleeping shirt and shorts underneath the costume. I bought nylons at $5.79, felt at $12, sign was made out of picture paper and two stick skures.

I wanted a unique costume and had not seen this M&M costume before. I did sew this costume by hand, it took seven hours within a few weeks. To hold the roundness circle look, I used two wire hangers that I straightened and formed, then bubble wrapped. To stuff the costume, I used bubble wrap which was lightly wrapped like burrito. On the inside, I sewed tiebacks to hold the wire/bubble wrap. Within the black outline of the eyes I made cuts and was able to see. I wore this outfit at a work Halloween party. I had great response, admiration, compliments and many laughs. Especially with my sign saying yes, it’s that kind of party.

Naked M&Ms Halloween Costume Idea

Naked M&Ms Halloween Costume Idea

Naked M&Ms Halloween Costume Idea

Naked M&Ms Halloween Costume Idea

Naked M&Ms Halloween Costume Idea

Naked M&Ms Halloween Costume Idea

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