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NH Pumpkin Festival Medusa Costume

I made this Medusa costume for the World Record Pumpkin Festival 2014 in Keene, NH.

Each year Keene has a pumpkin festival to celebrate Halloween and keep the world record of the most lit jack-o-lanterns in a city. There’s always a high level of well thought out costumes and I try for originality each year.

Making the Costume

  • I already had the clothes.
  • I bought the wig and attached my snakes and head dress after researching pictures on the web.
  • I watched a tutorial video to determine how to do my make up.

The Reaction

EVERYONE knew I was Medusa.

The BEST reaction was that women got scared. As I walked down the streets, the snake around my neck would move and some would SCREAM, thinking it was real!

Over all my costume was a big hit! I was asked to take a lot of pictures and my own children didn’t recognize me as MOM!

NH Pumpkin Festival Medusa Costume

NH Pumpkin Festival Medusa Costume

NH Pumpkin Festival Medusa Costume

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