Home » Character Costumes » Animated Character Costumes » Despicable Me and Minions Costumes » No-Cost Homemade Minion Costume for a Woman

No-Cost Homemade Minion Costume for a Woman

I’m always about cute fun ideas as opposed to the run of the mill naughty adult female costumes. I realized I had a yellow shirt, and cut offs, and then yellow tights from the Red Fraggle costume a few years ago, and it all just suddenly came together before I knew it. I cut strips out of large index cards, stapled them together and covered with blue painters tape I had in the closet  (I did not think of attachment prior – so used hair clips which worked at first but then kept popping off). I originally cut out eyes and stapled them to a head band, but I knew that would give me a headache later on, so I cut out larger eyes and taped them to a pair of sunglasses.

And then last minute, decided to make the “G” logo out of a manila folder I had on my table and taped it to the shirt.  Added some gloves and BAM…. instant Minion. I got stopped multiple times while out with “OMG a MINION!!!” or something of the like.

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