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Original Couples Costume Idea: Jack and Jill… After the Hill

My boyfriend and I went as Jack and Jill last year.  I found the dress at a second hand store and shortened it and added the lace underneath. The apron was one from when I was a little girl, it didn’t fit around my neck, but it worked because it fit the part more with one side hanging down.  I carried a tin bucket “up the hill to fetch a pail of water”.

My boyfriend wore suspenders and a bow-tie we made from a normal tie, along with a wrist brace.  We rubbed dirt all over our clothes and bodies, it was a lot of fun!  I even put leaves and dirt in my hair.  We also bandaged ourselves up from the fall down the hill, using red marker for the blood. Everyone at the party we went to LOVED our costume and knew what we were right away!  It was the best costume I’ve ever made!

Coolest Homemade Costume Contest 2023

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